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Recovery Frameworks collaborates with interventionists to fill out an encompassing plan. If your client needs assistance going from the intervention to the treatment center, Recovery Frameworks’ companions can provide the imperative oversight to ensure safety after the important decision has been made. If your client is in need of care extending beyond the treatment setting, recovery coaches and companions can provide additional oversight and assist in maintaining motivation while tapping into supportive communities and making the transition back into their day to day life.


We understand the importance of communication in the situations that interventionists often face. All of Recovery Frameworks’ services are overseen by a case manager who will communicate with everyone in the treatment team to ensure that there are no silos of information.


Recovery Frameworks provides an additional layer of support to all professionals involved. If you are building a team for one of your clients, reach out and let us know how you would like a coach or companion to fit in.

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Recovery Coaches are guides through the early recovery process,  providing support and check-ins for long term success.


The Recovery Companions from Recovery Frameworks provide mentorship and structure that is consistent, positive, and focused on the actions to develop recovery.

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