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Substance Use Disorder

Substance Use Disorder occurs when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically significant impairment, including health problems, disability, and a failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. Today, the disease model has been widely accepted by the medical and therapeutic communities. The disease model of addiction acknowledges that substance use disorder is a brain disease.  The shame, guilt, and pain that stem from this disease are pervasive. They spread from the individual out into the family system until everyone is affected. At Recovery Frameworks, our services are designed to assist individuals and families at every stage of their recovery from this dangerous and deadly disorder.


 Individuals with substance use disorder will find support in all of our services. They are designed to assist in the challenging times that occur when developing a new lifestyle. Many of our clients need a coach to talk to when they are struggling with intrusive thoughts. Many need assistance finding the right resources that support their decisions and fit into their unique lifestyle. Some need accountability as they travel to and from important dates.

For families, Recovery Frameworks provides interventionists and case managers who can educate you and guide you through the confusing feelings associated with this disease. You can take ownership and responsibility off of your shoulders as our professionals come in to assist with ensuring that boundaries are clear and that your loved one has access to the best support available to them.

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Recovery Coaches

Recovery Coaches are guides through the early recovery process,  providing support and check-ins for long term success.

Recovery Companions

The Recovery Companions from Recovery Frameworks provide mentorship and structure that is consistent, positive, and focused on the actions to develop recovery.

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The intervention program at Recovery Frameworks provides the education and the space to develop new life skills and changes for both the families and the individuals, 

Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive care services provide a dedicated case manager to assist with the many uncertainties and logistical challenges of early recovery.

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Monitoring services hold the individual accountable to their recovery goal and take guesswork out for the family.

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