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Mental Health

Mood disorders are defined as mental health problems that primarily affect a person’s emotional state. These include diseases such as depression and bipolar disorder. Anxiety disorders cause constant and overwhelming anxiety and fear in their victims. For individuals whose lives are being affected by these disorders, the frustration can be great. There are stigmas from society and family members who can’t understand their behaviors. For those family members, they are frustrated by years of what they may see as inaction and lack of purpose. Treatment options for these disorders have remained largely consistent. Recovery Frameworks provides contemporary solutions that complement the traditional pathways, based on research and outcome-driven results.

Individuals can utilize coaches and companions that will provide accountability, motivation, and assistance through the early transitions into a recovery-based lifestyle. These peers walk alongside the individuals that they work with. Others may only need medication compliance monitoring, so that they can engage with their obligations while helping their family to feel comfortable with their path.


Families can utilize interventions and case managers to develop an actionable plan for addressing their loved one. The goal of these services is to create a united front, which includes your loved one, to address the disorder together. You don’t have to figure out the answer to each question as they come up, you can feel comfortable that our case managers have a long history in assisting families as they address similar situations, while acknowledging what makes your case unique. Case managers are included in each companion and coaching service. In working with individuals suffering from different mental health disorders, individuals and families can utilize Recovery Frameworks to work alongside a clinical treatment plan. Mental Health Recovery Coaches, Companions or Interventions will cooperate with treatment teams in place or help to build them. We will provide the off-hours motivation, accountability, and safety necessary in many instances.

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Recovery Coaches

Recovery Coaches are guides through the early recovery process,  providing support and check-ins for long term success.

Recovery Companions

The Recovery Companions from Recovery Frameworks provide mentorship and structure that is consistent, positive, and focused on the actions to develop recovery.

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The intervention program at Recovery Frameworks provides the education and the space to develop new life skills and changes for both the families and the individuals, 

Comprehensive Care

Comprehensive care services provide a dedicated case manager to assist with the many uncertainties and logistical challenges of early recovery.

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